
 One of our essential organs, the kidneys filter waste from the body by removing extra water and other impurities from the blood.

The kidneys are crucial for controlling salt and potassium levels as well as for preserving the pH balance of the body. However, a poor lifestyle is contributing to an increase in renal issues. Medical professionals underline the significance of awareness for early detection, prevention, and treatment of kidney-related disorders since they are on the rise.

Kidney illness frequently stays undiagnosed until it has reached a fatal stage. After the age of 30, one should get routine health examinations to prevent this. Even though we don't enjoy them, medical tests are the only way to tell if someone's kidneys are functioning properly or not.

Kidney problems tests for people in their 30s

Blood Pressure

Since high blood pressure is the second most common factor in kidney impairment, it should be managed. Blood pressure is regarded as high when it is 140/90 or higher. However, blood pressure greater than 130/80 is regarded as high if you have diabetes or kidney problems. It is advised to maintain a healthy blood pressure to lower the risk of renal illness and other diseases of a similar nature

The albumin-to-creatinine ratio

People with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of the disease are encouraged to get the test. Early signs of renal illness are indicated by a test result of 30mg/gm per day. The protein-to-creatinine ratio and the albumin-to-creatinine ratio do not require a 24-hour urine sample.

Creatinine-to-protein ratio

Only the amount of protein in the urine is measured with this test. It is said to be the most precise way to measure protein. A result of 200 mg/gm or less is regarded as normal for urine protein levels, whereas a value higher than this is regarded as abnormal.

Glomerular Filtration Rate

This examination establishes whether your kidneys are effectively filtering impurities from your blood. Based on criteria including age and gender and creatinine serum results, the test is estimated. A result of less than 60 indicates that the person may have kidney disease.

Urine dipstick test

This straightforward method is typically used as part of a urine analysis to find out how much albumin is present in the sample. Despite the test's lack of precision, the results are sufficient to let doctors know whether your levels are within normal bounds. The albumin level can be determined by a change in the color of the dipstick paper.


In this test, a urine sample is examined to determine whether protein, red blood cells, or white blood cells are present. Since these elements are not typically seen in urine, their presence signals that the kidneys are not functioning properly. Protein in the urine is a warning sign of kidney impairment.

It's critical to keep your kidneys working properly for overall health and physical wellbeing. Diseases can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle and regular checkups, and the kidneys will work efficiently to filter and remove waste from the body while maintaining it in good shape.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

With this test, the level of blood urea in the urine is determined. Our bodies generate urea nitrogen as a waste product as a result of our diet's protein breakdown. When the kidneys are functioning properly, urea nitrogen is removed from the blood and eliminated through the urine, keeping the BUN level within the normal range. Urea nitrogen levels in urine vary with age and other common health conditions, but they still fall between seven and twenty. Anything higher than this is a sign that the kidneys are not functioning properly. A higher BUN level is a sign that the kidney disease is getting worse.


It is important to get kidney exams in your 30s to check for any potential issues. Kidney disease is a serious condition that can lead to other health problems, so it is important to catch it early.