Men's Natural Hair

It's customary to associate having a large, thick head of hair with being physically fit and healthy. However a variety of internal and external factors could influence the state of your hair.

In order to maintain your ideal hair volume, you must be knowledgeable about the factors that contribute to hair loss. This post will provide you all the knowledge you need on how to naturally thicken your hair as well as some quick fixes.

How Does Hair Volume Change? What Does Hair Volume Mean?

Hair volume is determined by the number and size distribution of hair follicles that protrude from each square inch of the hair surface. The amount of hair rising from the root, the thickness, and the appearance of fullness are all usually thought to be included. 2,200 strands are present per square inch in the average person's hair. Several factors, including the following, may have an impact on this feature:

  1. Chemical exposure

  2. Stress

  3. Illnesses

  4. Hormonal changes

  5. Pollution

  6. Inadequate nutrition

  7. Extreme fashion

  8. Ageing

  9. Medical conditions

How can you make your hair thicker?

A healthy, balanced diet is the best approach to naturally improve the volume of your hair. You must make an effort to get vitamins B and C, as well as necessary minerals like zinc, iron, and copper, in your diet. They will promote hair development by enhancing the health of your hair follicles. Additionally, consume at least eight glasses of water each day to maintain your entire body and hair healthy.

Among the superfoods for good hair is

Amla: It would be great to include one amla daily in your diet. The greatest strategy to get amazing results is to consume it first thing in the morning.

Eggs: While eggs are necessary for strong hair, they can also improve your scalp's overall health.

Sprouts: Vegans can substitute sprouts for eggs to satisfy their need for amino acids. Because they provide a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins, sprouts encourage hair development.

Use Ayurvedic hair care techniques.

If you've been trying for a while to figure out how to make your hair thicker, start an Ayurvedic hair care programme. Ayurveda can treat the underlying cause of hair issues and offer a natural remedy. Because of this, if you want naturally thick hair, you should research and test out several ayurvedic hair care regimens to see whether it suits you.

Choose your shampoo wisely

Should we shampoo our hair every day or not? is a common topic regarding the use of shampoos. Absolutely, you should be cautious about how often you shampoo your hair. For instance, if your scalp is excessively greasy, you must wash your hair every day. If not, washing your hair three times per week is sufficient. However the question "what kind of shampoo should I use?" also comes to everyone's thoughts. The correct answer to this might be that not every shampoo works well on every type of hair. You should therefore choose a shampoo that is suitable for the texture of your hair. Don't forget to only buy sulfate-free, natural shampoos from the store.

Use a high-quality conditioner after shampooing your hair. After using conditioner, your hair will be easier to handle and detangle. You shouldn't use more conditioner than a quarter-sized amount, regardless of how long your hair is. Moreover, remember to apply the conditioner at least 1-2 inches away from your scalp hair.

Constantly oil-massage your hair

Massage your scalp regularly because it promotes blood flow and strengthens your roots. It's a good idea to massage your scalp and hair with heated oil. Massage your scalp in a circular motion at all times. Jojoba and coconut oil are the two greatest types to use. Rosemary oil can also be used to treat dandruff. After the massage, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel for a brief period of time to give it even more conditioning. The majority of oils have antibacterial and antifungal effects. Hence, massaging them onto your scalp helps to retain moisture and prevents the growth of germs that cause dandruff.

In addition, the minerals in oils help to improve the health of our hair, stop hair loss, and encourage hair growth. You should treat yourself to an oil massage at least once a week, it is advised. Another fantastic way to increase hair volume is by incorporating a few curry leaves into the oil.

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